Tuesday 4 December 2018

Civil service chronicle subscription

Civil service chronicle subscription

Maintaining Continuous Motivation
Civil servicechronicle subscription CSE preparation requires one to be motivated at all times for one to give best at all stages of examination. One has to perform at all stages - Prelims, Mains and Interview and every stage requires different strategies for one to ace it. The motivation could be enhanced upsc pattern by various methods. For motivation one could: Watch TED talks , Read Ethics and works of philosophers , Pen down Your own solutions for the problems you see around , Read about successful candidates on various online platforms , pcs exam about what one would do once he/she becomes a civil servant , Analyze and discuss the strategy with a friend or teacher , Failures need to be taken seriously as they offer an op­portunity to learn and ensure mistakes are not repeated , alking with family members helps to calm down nerves , Pursuing a hobby or shankar ias academy a sport helps you avoid mental fatigue which you may suffer after continuous studies , one of the best methods and see which one reinvigorates you.

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